Wednesday 26 September 2012

Artist of the Week Wednesday - Robert Smithson!

This week's Artist of the Week Wednesday is Robert Smithson, an American artist that specializes in land art! His love for nature began at a young age as he loved animal and earthy forms. According to his personal website, "Smithson is most well known for his provocative earthwork, the Spiral Jetty which used rocks and debris to build a 15-foot-wide spiral in Utah's Great Salt Lake. He gained international recognition for his groundbreaking art which was not limited by genre or materials as well as for his critical writings that challenged traditional categories of art between the years of 1964-1973." He died at the age of 35 but his work has become reknowned in the art world.

For more information on Robert Smithson, see this website dedicated to him!

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Thanks and have a great week!
-The UTIES Committee

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